Wishlist: Image Plates From Random Sites

Friday, January 25, 2013

My First Order From Shany Cosmetics.

Last week I made my first order from Shany cosmetics, I ordered the Shany 2013 set, the XXL Image plate B and a wheel of 3D clay flowers.
So I checked my order form and it confirmed I had ordered these items and they got shipped. Today I got them in the mail, and opened the set and started to peel off the blue plastic. Then to my horror I saw that the plates didn't look like the ones I had ordered and checked the number. And yeah, it was the plates from set 01 in the box for set 02.......
So I opened the envelope that the XXL plate comes in, at least that one was the right one. But I have to say I was shocked to see how big some of the images are, like the angry birds and smurfs are BIG. Only way I can stamp those are if I place them on my thumb nail. Will be too big for my other nails.
The backing of the XXL plate feels great, even a bit better than the backing of my two Dashica XXL SdP plates. But the Shany plate doesn't have as many images on it as the ones from Dashica.  Also the images on the Dashica plate aren't too big so you can stamp them on your other nails too.
Yes, the XXL Shany is way cheaper than the XXL Dashica plates, the Shany is now $ 10.00 while Dashica is 39.99 Euros/ or $53.00. But Dashica's XXL SdP1 has 338 images on it and XXL SdP2 has around 390 images on it.
But it is still a good deal for $10.00, I just hope they stamp well. That will be my next post. I sent Shany an email about the error on the plate they sent me. I just have to wait and see what happens.

the 3D flowers

Box for the 2013 set

With the wrong plates inside.....

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